Today I’m visiting the local internet hotspot, posting the last few days of entries, and catching up on a little work. John and I will use Dot’s help to plan the next few days through
Monday, July 30, 2007
Day 11 – Monday – rest and laundry
Day 10 – Sunday – Madeline Island

Dot roped Tom and I into singing a duet at her church this morning, which was easy, and it’s always great to sing in church (not least of all because you ALWAYS get told how nice it sounds). She plays the organ in an Episcopal church in
We cooked brats while John floated on the lake. I kidded him about not being as grown-up as he’s been acting – he was floating within a few feet of a bevy of very pretty girls, about 16 years old, and he was pretty much ignoring them. That will change. (no photos of the pretty girls included. after all, i wasn't interested either.)
Maggie and Sue -- couldn't resist (Brie & Savannah & Melissa too?) This shop is on Madeline Island in Lake Superior. I'm not exactly sure what it sells, but I guess her thought is that the third daughter had to fend for herself.
We also gained even more respect for John’s 6th Grade language teacher, Ms. Burner. John asked Tom and Dot about whetherI also found a new source of supply for next July 4th’s “Wurst Party of the Summer.” There’s a market in
I finally broke down and took a picture of John posing in front of something meaningless, some old propeller on Madeline Island. I think it's there to take pictures of while you're waiting for the ferry.
Day 9 – Saturday – Hiking the North Country Trail
We came home to a ham roasting outside, and John ate his largemouth bass that he caught on Thursday. It was excellent!
Day 8 – Friday – Running the Namekagon

Actually, this could be called “punting on the Namekagon” or even “walking the Namekagon.” The water level was pretty low. The Namekagon is a beautiful river that flows south, roughly paralleling US 63 south from Cable,
We all returned exhausted and decided on a simple dinner – homemade pizza, with homemade sauce, and our own choices of pepper, onion, mushroom, pepperoni, and sausage.
Day 7 – Thursday Soaking of another sort

Day 6 – Wednesday - soaking at Owen Lake

Another day of strong sunshine encouraged us to head to a nearby lake (there are a few) where there is a small beach and park, and, most importantly, a cool offshore breeze. John spent about 6 hours in the water, kayaking, swimming, and entertaining all of the other kids that arrived by boat and car. Jean quilted but the heat took its toll and they left for the comfort of home in the early evening. John and I grilled chicken for the three of us.
At 7:45pm, Dot realized her dump would close in 15 minutes and not reopen until Saturday, so she promised us ice cream cones if we’d leave everything and scramble to collect recycling and trash. Kicking up a cloud of dust, we pulled into the dump driveway at
Day 5 – Madison to Grand View
We hit the highway outside of Madison about 1100, and enjoyed the 5-1/2 hour drive northwest to Eau Claire, then north and northeast to Dot’s. For you map and compass geeks, we came within one degree of Longitude to the northern midpoint of the western hemisphere – we were at 45oN, 91oW when we passed
We think the designer probably watched “2001: A Space Odyssey” a few too many times.
We were treated to a very pleasant surprise – Jean and Steve just about followed us into Dot’s driveway! Dot’s county-famous garden is still in full bloom, despite a few weeks without substantial rain and today’s 90o heat. John and I grilled two tenderloins of pork and we dined al fresco.
Dot’s “guest house” is finished enough for us including a bathroom (of sorts) and we’ve made ourselves quite at home here.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Day 4 (Monday) - Chicago
No, Sue, I didn't take any photos of John kneeling beside a display. That's a family tradition we can let die.
We left after 3pm and got uptown for a tour of Mercy Home for Boys, a major Chicago area nonprofit who is a prospective client of NPA. We met some of the boys and saw where they live, eat and worship. John says he understands what it's like to be an abused boy, growing up in our home...
After Mercy Home, we headed north and west and are now outside Madison, Wisconsin. Tomorrow we head to Dot's, a mere 300 miles from here. So far we've done over 1500 miles, so we're looking forward to a short trip tomorrow and then a lot of walking.
Day 3 (Sunday) - Fort Leonard Wood

It was billed as a standard-issue Army Protestant Service but it was led by an Evangelical Chaplain who did lots of preaching and praying. There was no liturgy, and the hymns were mostly contemporary songs. There were no bulletins. All the lyrics were typed into powerpoint and displayed on a screen. Yuck.

I was the only civilian in chapel. It was packed – 150 or so soldiers from her Brigade – all in Basic Training or MP school. I can see why they’d like it – after getting yelled at and told what to do for 6 days, 22 ½ hours, being built up and prayed over for 1-1/2 hours is just what they need. Lisa is a regular attendee at chapel and even asked me to bring a Bible of her own so she can read on her own.
We had lunch with her after chapel, off-post (“real food” she calls it) and then let her sleep for a few hours until she had to return. We then left for Chicago, and we’re outside Chicago now. Tomorrow we’ll visit Chicago and then head to She’s in pretty good health – a few bruises, but then she’s never worked so hard in her life. She’s had a few colds from the close quarters and hard work, but she’s not complaining.

Lisa's friend's name is pronounced with a hard "G", so it's "Christ and Gist" -- they take care of each other. I met a few of her male platoon mates too, and it seems everyone likes Lisa (though she complains about some of the other girls in her barracks -- says she misses living with Becca and Maggie!)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Day 2 - WV to MO - Saw Lisa

Friday, July 20, 2007
Off to a great start - Huntington WV
Tomorrow we plan to make it the remaining 600 miles to Fort Leonard Wood, and visit with Lisa on Sunday. (see map at left).
Great weather today, and the same is predicted for tomorrow.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Heading on vacation
You can see our itinerary here and we'll try to update you regularly with pictures and stories about the fish we catch, bears we see, rapids we canoe, etc. Take it all with a grain of salt.