Thursday, October 29, 2009

Watch what you ask for, Mr. President

A recent article in Time magazine features President Obama and his wife talking about their marriage:

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama says only once since Jan. 20 has White House life annoyed him.

It was the Saturday in May when, trying to be a good husband, he kept a campaign promise to take his wife, Michelle, to New York after the election for one of their "date nights" - dinner and a Broadway play.

"People made it into a political issue," Obama told The New York Times Magazine for an article about the Obamas' marriage, appearing in the Nov. 1 issue. The article was posted on the Times' Web site on Wednesday.

"If I weren't president, I would be happy to catch the shuttle with my wife to take her to a Broadway show, as I had promised her during the campaign, and there would be no fuss and no muss and no photographers," he said. "That would please me greatly."

Yeah, well it would please me greatly if you weren't President either.

Man up. The libs were all over President Bush every time he played golf or went to Maine. But you've played golf almost as much in your first nine months in office as President Bush did in almost three years. And the liberal media said squat about it.
