Friday, August 03, 2007

Day 14 - North Bay to Ottawa

Today was museum day - we drove to the Canadian military base at Petawawa (100 kilometers north of Ottawa) and toured the museum there. It wasn't much. Then we went on to Ottawa and drove straight to the National Aviation Museum. John loved the display of jets. I liked seeing the P51 Mustang, and some rescue helicopters.

After checking into our hotel in Ottawa at 6, we were wondering what to do. I thought that Ottawa had to have a minor league ball team, so I googled it, and found that they do, and that they were hosting the Scranton-Wilkes-Barre Yankees tonite! So off we went to the park. Not only did we get 3rd row seats behind the on-deck circle, but it was 25c hot dog night! The Lynx lost to the Yankees 5-2 but we had a great evening in a very pleasant ball park.

We're still not sure what our plans are for tomorrow. More stuff to look at here, lingering in the Adirondacks, or drive hard to Closter to see Grandma and Pop-pop. Stay tuned!

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